Wednesday, January 8, 2014

MerCruiser Water In Engine Crankcase Oil

The following information contains testing procedures for water in the engine on MerCruiser 5.oL, 5.7L and 6.2L MPI gasoline engines. Testing and diagnosis helps determine problems and possible causes. Its recommended you use a factory manual when performing repairs on your inboard engine, additional safety precautions, or technical data maybe included. 

Important Information

IMPORTANT: First determine the location of the water in the engine. This information can be of great help when trying to determine where the water came from and how it got into the engine. The three most common problems are: water on top of the pistons, water in the crankcase oil and when both of those conditions occur simultaneously.
  1. After locating the water, remove all the water from the engine by removing all the spark plugs and cranking the engine over to pump out the cylinders.
  2. Change the oil and the filter.
  3. Start the engine and see if the problem can be duplicated. If the problem can be duplicated, a mechanical error exists. If the problem can not be duplicated, the problem is either an operator error or a problem that exists only under certain environmental conditions.
If the water is contained to the cylinders only, it is usually entering through the intake system, the exhaust system or the head gasket.
If the water is contained to the crankcase only, it is usually caused by a cracked or porous block, a flooded bilge or condensation.
If the water is located in both the cylinders and the crankcase, it is usually caused by water in the cylinders getting past the rings and valves or complete submersion.
Checking for rust in the intake manifold or the exhaust manifolds is a good idea. Rust is a clue that the water entered these areas. 


2.0 Water in boat bilge
2.1 Water seeping past the piston rings or valves
2.2 Engine operating cold
2.3 Intake manifold leaking near a water passage
2.4 Cracked or porous casting 


2.0 Drain the water from the bilge. 2.1 Replace the piston rings or the valves
2.2 Replace the thermostat.
2.3 Inspect the intake manifold for cracks. Check the gaskets.
2.4 Check the cylinder head, the cylinder block and the intake manifold for cracks or porosity.

These service procedures apply to: 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Mercury MerCruiser 5.0L, 5.7L, 6.2L MPI Gasoline Multi-port Injection Engine.5.0L MPI Alpha and Bravo, 350, MX 6.2 MPI Horizon, Inboard and Tow Sports (MIE), 350 MAG MPI Inboard, 350 MAG MPI Horizon Inboard, MX 6.2 MPI Inboard, MX 6.2 MPI Horizon Inboard and 350 MAG MPI Alpha and Bravo, 350 MAG MPI Alpha and Bravo Horizon, MX 6.2 MPI MAG MPI Tow Sports.

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